Delete DB2 Instance


Removes a DB2 instance that was created by db2icrt and the instance entry from the list of instances.

The preparation and details to removing an instance using the command line are:
->Stop all applications that are currently using the instance.
->Stop the Command Line Processor by running db2 terminate commands in each DB2 command window.
->Stop the instance by running the db2stop command.
->Backing up the files in the INSTHOME/sqllib directory
->Not Mandatory but you can save the database manager configuration file, db2systm, the db2nodes.cfg file,

To Remove the Db2 Instance —

1) Login to the server as root or any user under which db2 was installed
2) Execute the db2idrop command within DB2DIR/instance/ ie “db2idrop InstName “ where InstName is the name of the instance being dropped.
This command removes the instance entry from the list of instances and removes the instance directory.
3) Optionally, as a user with root authority, remove the instance owner’s user ID and group , Do not remove these if you are planning to re-create the instance.

[root@mercury instance]# cd /opt/ibm/db2/V9.1/instance
[root@mercury instance]# ./db2ilist
[root@mercury instance]# ./db2idrop db2inst1
[root@mercury instance]# ./db2ilist

5) The db2idrop command removes the instance entry from the list of instances and removes the
sqllib subdirectory under the instance owner’s home directory.

6) This Removes the DB2 Instance


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