Tag Archive | admin console

Changing Inactive Session TimeOut for WAS Admin console

There may be a requirement for changing the Inactive Session Timeout for the Websphere Admin Console .
The default Session timeout of WAS Console is 30 minutes.

We cannot change the session timeout from directly from the Admin console but there are two methods to do it

Method 1 : Using the wsadmin Script

This is the Recommended way to change the Session Expiration timeout value

Step 1 :  The session timeout is saved in the deployment.xml file within the isclite.ear
a) Navigate to the <ProfileHome>/cells/CellName/applications/isclite.ear/deployments/isclite

[root@mercury isclite]# cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/config/cells/Cell01/applications/isclite.ear/deployments/isclite


b) Check the Existing Session timeout value in the deployment.xml
Open the file deployment.xml and search for the parameter “invalidationTimeout”
Here “invalidationTimeout=30” Indicates the session timeout is 30 minutes



Step 2 :  Copy the below following script into a file in the server in any location . I have saved this script in /root/sessiontimeout.jacl

set dep [$AdminConfig getid /Deployment:isclite/]
set appDep [$AdminConfig list ApplicationDeployment $dep]
set sesMgmt [$AdminConfig list SessionManager $appDep]# check if existing sesMgmt there or not, if not then create a new one, if exist then modify it
if {$sesMgmt == “”} {
# get applicationConfig to create new SessionManager
set appConfig [$AdminConfig list ApplicationConfig $appDep]
if {$appConfig == “”} {
# create a new one
set appConfig [$AdminConfig create ApplicationConfig $appDep {}]
# then create a new SessionManager using new Application Config just created
set sesMgmt [$AdminConfig create SessionManager $appConfig {}]
} else {
# create new SessionManager using the existing ApplicationConfig
set sesMgmt [$AdminConfig create SessionManager $appConfig {}]}
}# get tuningParams config id
set tuningParams [$AdminConfig showAttribute $sesMgmt tuningParams]
if {$tuningParams == “”} {
# create a new tuningParams
$AdminConfig create TuningParams $sesMgmt {{invalidationTimeout <timeout value>}}} else {
#modify the existing one
$AdminConfig modify $tuningParams {{invalidationTimeout <timeout value>}}}# saving the configuration changes
$AdminConfig save


Step 3 :  Change the  on the two lines of this file to the new session expiration value which you want and save the changes to the file. I have specified10 min as session expiration

This number specifies the number of minutes the console preserves the session during  inactivity

Step 4 :  Run the wsadmin.sh ( you may have to specify the credentials if security is enabled )

bash-3.2$[root@mercury isclite]# cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/bin/

Execute wsadmin.sh -lang jacl -f FileName

bash-3.2$[root@mercury bin]# ./wsadmin.sh -lang jacl -f /root/sessiontimeout.jacl


Step 5 :
 Once the script is run check the deployment.xml to ensure the changes are reflected in it


Here the changes ie invalidationTimeout=”10″ is updated in deployment.xml file of isclite.ear

Step 6 :  Restart the Dmgr or the Appserver  ( in case of Stand Alone  Server)

bash-3.2$[root@mercury isclite]# cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/bin/

Stop Deployment Manager

bash-3.2$[root@mercury isclite]# ./stopManager.sh

Start Deployment Manager 

bash-3.2$[root@mercury isclite]# ./startManager.sh

Step 7 :  Test the session expiry after 10 min of Inactivity in the Websphere Admin console
Method 2: Modifying the deployment.xml

Step 1 :  The session timeout is saved in the deployment.xml file within the isclite.ear
a) Navigate to the <ProfileHome>/cells/CellName/applications/isclite.ear/deployments/isclite

[root@mercury isclite]# cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/config/cells/Cell01/applications/isclite.ear/deployments/isclite


b) Check the Existing Session timeout value in the deployment.xml
Open the file deployment.xml and search for the parameter “invalidationTimeout”
Here “invalidationTimeout=30” Indicates the session timeout is 30 minutes


Step 2 :
 Logout of the WAS admin console if you are allready logged in .

Step 3: Backup the existing deployment.xml file within the isclite.ear  to some other location outside the WAS directory structure. This will ensure you wll be able to revert to the original setting if any issues occurs.

[root@mercury isclite]# cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/config/cells/Cell01/applications/isclite.ear/deployments/isclite

I have saved the deployment.xml.org in /root as deployment.xml.org

[root@mercury isclite]# cp deployment.xml /root/deployment.xml.org


Step 4:  Navigate to Go to the following directory,


Step 5 : Modify the deployment.xml file any editor and update  setting the value of the “invalidationTimeout” parameter to the desired value (In minutes)


Here the I have update the invalidationTimeout=”10″ in deployment.xml file


Step 6 :  Restart the Dmgr or the Appserver ( in case of Stand Alone  Server)

bash-3.2$[root@mercury isclite]# cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/bin/

Stop Deployment Manager

bash-3.2$[root@mercury isclite]# ./stopManager.sh

Start Deployment Manager

bash-3.2$[root@mercury isclite]# ./startManager.sh

Step 7 :  Test the session expiry after 10 min of Inactivity in the Websphere Admin console