Tag Archive | manageprofile.sh Websphere Application Server

Create Application Server Profile using Manageprofile.sh

In Most of the customers location there is no GUI access to the server hence will will not be able to create a profile using the Graphical mode

In these cases we will have to use the command line to create the profile
It can be done using manageprofile.sh command in the /bin folder

Create a StandAlone Application Server Profile

Step1: Ensure there is sufficient space in the Profile Path in my case /appprofiles Folder .
Step2: Ensure that the Profile like the profile Name , Node Name , Cell Name , Profile Path is available with you before creation
Step3: List the Profiles
Navigate to /bin Path ie /apps/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin
[root@mqnode bin]#./manageprofiles.sh -listProfiles

This indicates all the profile available within the WAS Installation /apps/IBM/WebSphere/
So we already have a profile “Dmgr”

Step4: Use the templatePath /profileTemplates/default for a StandAlone Appserver Profile

Step5: Execute manageprofiles.sh -create

[root@mqnode bin]#cd /apps/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin
[root@mqnode bin]# ./manageprofiles.sh -create –profileName MYPROFILE –profilePath /appprofiles/MYPROFILE –templatePath /apps/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profileTemplates/default –serverName TEST_SERVER  –nodeName MYPROFILENode1 –hostName mqnode.test.com –enableAdminSecurity true –adminUserName wasadmin –adminPassword wasadmin@12
INSTCONFSUCCESS: Success: Profile MYPROFILE now exists. Please consult /appprofiles/MYPROFILE/logs/AboutThisProfile.txt for more information about this profile.

Ensure We get “INSTCONFSUCCESS” Success output . It will indicate the profile was created successfully

websphere, manageprofile.sh , Profile, StandAlone Profile


NOTE : There are many options for manageprofile.sh like startingPort etc ..

Step6: We also need to Check the ProfileCreation logs to validate and check for any errors
a) Check the Profile Path ie /appprofiles/MYPROFILE to see if the Folder exists and the folder structure created under it
b) Navigate to /apps/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/logs/manageprofiles/
tail -f <ProfileName>_create.log

ie [root@mqnode bin]#tail -f MYPROFILE_create.log 

NOTE : If the profile creation fails , this logs will give the reasons for the failure

[root@mqnode bin]# cat /appprofiles/MYPROFILE/logs/AboutThisProfile.txt


Step7: Start The Server


Step8: Login to the Admin Console using the credentials provided while creating the profile ie wasadmin/wasadmin@12
Ports can be viewed from the AboutThisProfile.txt file

[root@mqnode bin]# cat /appprofiles/MYPROFILE/logs/AboutThisProfile.txt
Enable administrative security (recommended): True
Administrative console port: 9060
Administrative console secure port: 9043



Step9 : If needed change the Ownership of the Profile folder to the WAS Application Owner
you can use [root@mqnode bin]#chown -R wasuser:wasuser /appprofiles/MYPROFILE

With this we have created a StandAlone Application Server Profile


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