
Change the password for the FileBased Registry users in WAS

Question : Change/Reset the password for the FileBased Registry users in WAS console
Answer : This can be done by the Manager Users option in the admin console .


  1. Log in to the console of impact, which by default is https://servername:9060/ibm/consoleconsole_login
  2. Login as User ID = wasadmin password= <CURRENT PASSWORD>
  3. Then Click on User and Groups >> Managed Users
  4. Click on Search button, this will display the users you have:


5.  Click on  “wasadmin”.  The following window will come up:


6.  Enter the new password in the Password field and Confirm password. Then click OK. Sync the Nodes

7. Log out from this page.

8. Restart the Server

9. Login with the new Password

Change the Password for Wasadmin in Websphere

Questions : Forgot password and cannot access WebSphere Application Server administrative console

Questions : Manually change the wasadmin WebSphere Application Server

Answer : If the wasadmin ID is in the File Based Registry

WARNING: Please use this as the last resort and make sure the server is not in the middle of processing any transactions.

There are 2 possible methods for disabling security:
By way of wsadmin command:

  1. Login to the Dmgr as the OS user
  2. Navigate to  /<WAS_INSTALL_DIR>/bin/
  3. Execute $./wsadmin -conntype NONE
  4. wsadmin> securityoff
  5. wsadmin> exit
  6. Restart the servers.
  7. Enable the security from administrative console.
  8. Restart the servers.


By way of manual edit of security.xml file, which is typically located in

<WAS_POFILE_HOME>/config/cells<CELL_NAME> /:

  1. Create a copy for security.xml file, in case you need to roll back.
  2. Disable the security from the security.xml file (change the very first occurrence of… enabled=”true” to enabled=”false”)
  3. Sync the Nodes
  4. Restart the servers.
  5. Enable the security from administrative console.
  6. Restart the servers.


If WAS is using LDAP for the Authentication and authorization .

Ask the LDAP Administrator to reset the password for wasadmin

Types of Cluster in WAS

Clusters is a group of application server which have similar state information available among each other
so that if one  app server fails the other is ready to process with the request thereby providing Fault Tolerance. They also provide Load Balancing between the appservers.

There are three type of cluster.
a. Horizontal
b. Vertical
c. Mixed

Horizontal cluster: Horizontal cluster consist of application server running on two or more different physical server
Advantage: In case of hardware failure  the other server can process the request. It has better performance as the system used is different
Disadvantage: Maintaining two different server is difficult & expensive.


Vertical cluster: Vertical cluster consist of two or more application server installed in an single physical machine.
Advantage: Monitoring & central administration is easy & cost effective as fewer servers are needed.
Disadvantage: In case of hardware failure all the application server would fail.


Mixed cluster   : Mixed cluster consist of both vertical & Horizontal cluster it is used for critical high end application etc which need a high Uptime .
Advantage: High Fault Tolerance so a localized  failures doesn’t take the entire application down.
Disadvantage: Very expensive compared to servers needed, Support and Monitoring is difficult as many appservers to manage.


Different types of WAS profiles in Ver 6.0 , 6.1 & 7.0

In WAS Ver 6.0 we have 3 profiles
1) DMGR Profile,
2) Appserver Profile
3) Custom Profile

Whereas in WAS Ver 6.1 we have 4 profiles
1) DMGR profile,
2) Appserver profile
3) Custom profile
4) Cell profile

And in WAS Ver 7.0 we have 7 profiles
1) DMGR profile,
2) Appserver profile
3) Custom profile
4) Cell profile
5) Administrative agent profile
6) Job manager profile
7) Secure proxy profile

What is a Profile ?

The new IBM WebSphere Application Server (WAS) v6.0 and above introduces the concept of Server Profiles.
Profiles can be thought of as a specific server runtime environment operating within a separate instance of the JVM.

Profiles can make each Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) application server runtime unique and separate from the server binaries and from other profiles. Each runtime environment has its own configuration files, logs, properties, and other attributes.

The separation of static binaries from configuration files provides a number of benefits for system administrators.